Board Certified Lactation Consultants
Lactation & Medical Billing/Coding
Affiliate of the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine
Medical Grade Ear Piercing Provider by Licensed Nurses

Elka "Tzippi" Schwimmer, BSN, RN, IBCLC
Elka "Tzippi" Schwimmer’s journey to becoming an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) began in the NICU rocking chair with her first child, where she quickly learned that nursing wasn’t as simple as she had imagined. By the time she had her fourth child, she expected to be an expert in feeding, but each baby brought new and unique challenges. Through the support and guidance she received along the way, she not only overcame those challenges but also found her passion for helping other parents navigate their own feeding journeys.
Tzippi understands that while breastfeeding is natural, it isn’t always easy. Whether a parent wants to exclusively breastfeed, pump and bottle-feed, or find a combination that works best for their family, she is dedicated to providing the support and reassurance they need. Her goal is to help families feel confident that their little ones are getting the nourishment they need to grow and thrive.